Sizzano ...a bit of history

Sizzano is well connected with the capital of the province of Novara and the surrounding areas via train network, bus and the nearby highways.

Sizzano is a very old country. In ancient documents is quoted by various names: Sitianum, Siccianum, Sicianium, Sectianum . Sizzano was already a country "highly distinguished" at the time of the Romans and, even more, after the introduction of Christianity, when you define "substantial."
In particular, the oldest find that documents the existence of Sizzano is a tombstone, found in 1667 during the construction of the parish church and then inside the walled facade. It bears on one side a Roman inscription that recalls that this Tullio Maggiore Tito had failed to restore a bathroom (spa?) Existing (taken from Wikipedia).

Sizzano is placed along the provincial road 299 for the Sesia Valley, occupies a fertile hilly area and is the center of a famous wine production. Sizzano D.O.C. is one of the glories of Piedmont.
The grappa is among the best in Italy and the production is supervised by the Institute for the Protection of Piedmont Grappa.

According to the story, Count Camillo Benso di Cavour going from Sizzano (1832) appreciated the Nebbiolo wine; himself in Grinzane solved the problem of the diseases that hit the vineyards (where his father was the owner of vast estates).